Monday, June 11, 2018

CIST2381 Mid Term Review Summer 2018

1 comment:

  1. Midterm
    P83 by using blocks in app inventor is there anything built into that, which prevent errors.
    Sms messages pg 154
    Which company developed the windows phone platform pg 2
    Index and array pg2
    What’s the result of the loop
    Application life cycle pg22
    Inheritance tree or class diagram for vehicle class and ask about subclasses in the diagram pg 47
    Subclass and derive class, parent and child
    Testing a gui user interface in earlier stages in development in the early stages pg 74
    There is a key word in app inventor that we use to combine strings the one block that most frequently occurs pg 83
    What does jde stand for pg 103
    What does xml stand for pg 109
    A question about inheritance C# example what is the base class and derive class
    Definition: Derive class inheritance public and private data of members of a base class
    Which interface is used to handle the button press invent pg 145


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